Friday 5 September 2014

In my Four years journey in College, I have developed the Three out of Ten Augustinian Values in School which I believe is important as a student. Below are those Three Augustinian Core Values:

Caritas (charity) Love of God and love of neighbor.

It is a greatest of all graces, and it measures the value of a person since we are
worth as much as how we love. As a Christian, we need to develop and be motivated by charity or love and must tend to form in us. I experience charity or love in school by giving donations to the youth such as used school materials. Especially in the victim of typhoon Yolanda, that was happened last year. We were required to give donations such as clothing, foods, etc., that can help to them. I never hesitate to help and give donations for those victims of typhoon because it is a great relief for them and even in a way that I can share my love. As an Augustinian student, I developed this Augustinian value, “Caritas”, and I will apply it in the future.

Unitas (Unity) Unity means “being one”.

It is not only of the self, but it progresses toward partnership with other people. This Augustinian Value which also I learned and developed as an Augustinian student and
being a Christian. I experience this usually in school every time we have our group works. We have the unity and the teamwork in order to accomplish our tasks in time. We do it as one because we believe that we become stronger as we are united and as weak as we are divided. “When there is unity there is always a victory” –Syrus

Veritas (Truth) Truth is found when the mind reflects on the reality of anything. 

This is the most important among all. Being honest and being true.
Mostly it happens in school, during examinations. Students love breaking the rules and cheating is one of its which is not good. Knowing that they we’re very proud of themselves if they get high scores in exams. But on the other hand, they don’t even think that when they cheat to get a better grade, they’re taking a big risk of getting much worse grade. Always be true to yourself because truth leads you to become a better person. 

These Three Augustinian Core Values has a great impact in my personal life. I developed this not only inside the school campus but also outside. I will apply this until I become successful in life and looking back from where do I begin and what I have learned in University of San Agustin. This is a big influence to others and a big help for me with this Values I learned, the Unitas, Caritas and the Veritas.

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